
week2:seeing and perception

There is a saying that “Seeing is believing”. But has it ever occurred to you that sometimes what you see is not always true? I find it interesting that we are sometimes blinded by our eyes. During my journey of learning visual communication, I come to realize that everyone has their own perception of what they see.  Ozgonul Aksoy indicates that "our understanding of the world is dependent on our culture, society and on the education systems and other aspects of a given society as well as on the characteristics of our perceptual process"(cited in Tasso Borbe, 1983,1423) Our perception towards the same thing can be completely different if we come from different culture. Therefore, when we analyze our interpretation towards a text, we must take cultural context into consideration.

 Color processing in the brain occurs hand in hand with processing of other properties, such as shape and boundary. In our decade-long attempt to discern how color influences perceptions of other properties in objects, we have considered a number of novel illusions, many created by us.”(Werner, John S. and Pinna, Baingio and Spillmann, Lothar , 2007) For example, when seeing the ‘red color’, what comes to your mind first?
Danger? Excitement? Courage ? Or …? For me, what comes to my mind first is good fortune. In China, red means good fortune. Therefore, married couple always give the youngs lucky money in red envelop.

What about green?

Green reminds me of enviromental protection, nature, growth and so on. But if a Bruneian kid see the green color now(during the hari raya), he may think about the green envelope he receive these days. Because Malay Muslim hand out money in green envelopes to their guests who visit their homes during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The reason behind the green colour is simply its association with the Islamic paradise.


Do you like the yellow color? Yellow is one of my favourite colors. I think it represents energy, sunshine and bright future. I was a bit upset when I was told that civilian were not allowed to wear yellow clothes especially in the palace. Yellow symbolize the royalty in Brunei, therefore wearing yellow clothes is considered inappropriate.

Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live. As a powerful form of visual communication, color is irreplaceable. After analysing these 3 colors, I am surprised to see that how differently we interprete the color due to the cultural background. But there isn't right or wrong in the understanding of the colors. People have their own right to interpret what they see according to their experience, culture, belief,habit and so on.

1. Werner, John S.,Pinna, Baingio, Spillmann & Lothar (2007) Illusory color and the brain: novel illusions suggest that the brain does not separate perception of color from perception of form and depth. Scientific American Magazine, Vol. 296 (3), p. 90-95. Article.
2.Tasso Borbe.(1983).Semiotics Unfolding.Vol.3. Berlin:Mouton Publishers.pp.1423

