
week5:Gestalt Effects and Schema Theories

Gestalt Theory:

Max Wertheimer, together with his two colleagues Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Köhler established Gestalt psychology. The core of Gestalt theory can be expressed in this way. "There are wholes, the behaviour of which is not determined by that of their individual elements, but where the part-processes are themselves determined by the intrinsic nature of the whole."(Max Wertheimer,1944,4)

Figure 1
For my own standing, what Gestalt theory tells me is that we should view things as a whole instead of isolated individual.

Figure 1 can be a illustration of gestalt theory. According to the law of similarity, “the brain can more easily group similar shapes, sizes, colors and the like than dissimilar graphic elements”(Paul Martin Lester,2005,51) In figure 1, the soda cartons of same color are put together to create certain elements. As I mentioned above, gestalt psychology maintains that “the whole is different from the sum of its parts.” It can also be applied to analyze this image. In figure 1, the sum of the soda cartons are perhaps—100 cartons of soft drink. But if we see it as a whole, the meaning of figure 1 is clear—it’s Mario’s figure. The display is creative that it can catch customers' attention immediately. If you just focus on the individual instead of the whole, you can't no understand intention of the display designer.

Schema Theory
Schema theory is another theory which visual communication professions find important in visual communication.  Diane H. Tracey and Lesley Mandel Morrow indicates that schema theory in general strives to "explain how knowlege is created and used by learners."(Diane H. Tracey,Lesley Mandel Morrow,2006,51)

Figure 1
When speaking of juice package design, people's schemas for it may be seen in figure 1. However, figure2 is another package design which is quite different from people's usual schemas for package design.
Figure 2(by Naoto Fukasawa)
Top general level frame:the package of the juice
Lower level has terminal that can change.In figure 2,Naoto changed the traditional design of juice drink package. Instead, he designed the package closely mimic the shape and texture of the fruit they contain. By using the bionic design, the juice arouse consumers' desire to buy.
This package design is an good example of  schema incongruity.Mark A.Callister and Lesa A.Stern note that "a consumer may judge a given visual image as both congruent and incongruent depending on the schema applied."(Mark A.Callister and Lesa A.Stern,2007,139) In this case, the visual image is different from the consumer's usual schema. Therefore, it may catches consumers' eye as soon as they see it because it's something that completely new to them. By using this bionic design, the designer succeeds in arousing consumers' desire to buying the juice.

2. Lester,P.M.,(2005).Visual communication:images with messages.(4th edition).USA: Thomson Wadsworth.pp.51
4.Callister,M.A and Stern L,A.(2007).Inspecting the Unexpected:Schema and the Processing of Visual Deviations.Go Figure! New direction in Advertising Rhetoric(pp.139).Armonk:M.E Sharp.Retrieved September 15,2010,from http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=Kgbop325kA0C&pg=PA139&dq=Schema+incongruity&hl=zh-CN&ei=TyfUTP30C8e2cduEjPwE&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Schema%20incongruity&f=false

